Saturday, February 26, 2011

This is the Job David Brandon Signed Up For

(Editors Note:  This was bumped up from the comments on the quality of the content )

Post Authored by BigHouse Reader Voice of Reason:

Dave Brandon has got to do whatever it takes to turn this program around. Football is the bread and butter of this institution. Forget about the highly rated academics,... Harvard, California, MIT, etc., are all highly rated academics and they are not football powerhouses and they don't have the brand name that brings in the big bucks that Michigan has. [No offense]

If Michigan becomes an also-ran in football, it will fall back into the ranks of good academic teams but with no other special athletic or name appeal. Michigan makes big bucks because they can sell all sorts of items with their name on them to alumni who are proud of their team that shows up on tv on Saturdays and wins football games. If that stops then so does the discretionary funds that fans spend on "all things Michigan."

Michigan along with OSU was instrumental in helping the Big Ten in getting those big tv contracts that makes everyone money. Not because of their academics, but because of winning football games. Of course now we have Nebraska that helps but it may have the same initial effect that PSU had when they came into the Big Ten. It's the Michigan vs. OSU rivalry that is the heart and soul of the Big Ten. That is what the BT is selling, that is what people think of when they hear the Big Ten, not Nebraska or PSU.

If they don't turn this thing around soon, soon they'll be a new generation of players who won't remember when Michigan was a good football team. There would be more difficulty in recruiting younger top notch players, then the revenue would potentially be compromised, and not only would it effect Michigan but other things financially connected with Michigan and I will include the conference.

Brandon's got to give us and the Big Ten a winner, and this is his last shot at it, or Mary Sue Coleman and the Regents will be evaluating him at the end of the season just like RR if this doesn't work out. So he's got to bring in the best available coaches. PERIOD!!! And that means paying them. Cha-ching!!!