Friday, February 25, 2011

Michigan Friday: Show Me the Money and I will Show You a Defense

With Brady Hoke on board now many of us wondered who he would pick to turn around the Michigan defense.  Would he be fishing in the $250K pond for Greg Robinson types or would he be fishing in the $1M a year pond for Randy Shannon types.  Brady ended up getting Greg Mattison the DC for the Baltimore Ravens, so we all expected it was close to the Shannon pond.   We found out yesterday we were right. 

Most notable was defensive coordinator Greg Mattison's contract. He will be paid $750,000 annually with a chance for a bonus of up to $150,000 if the Wolverines win the Big Ten. Mattison, 61, who spent the last two seasons as defensive coordinator for the NFL's Ravens, is the Big Ten's highest-paid assistant.

"We're not messing around," Brandon told The News when asked about Mattison's contract. "I am sure he's the highest-paid defensive coordinator in the Big Ten, and I have to believe he is also one of the highest-paid in the country.

Mattison will net $900,000 if Michigan wins a Big Ten Championship.  That's pretty good money for the #2 guy and in my opinion worth every cent if he can turn the defense around.  On a side note, Mattison is now making more then Brady Hoke was making at San Diego State before his extension (Hoke made $675,000 in base pay last year).
The other assistants won't be staving either, Offensive coordinator Al Borges will make $350,000 a year, receivers coach Jeff Hecklinski will make $225,000 and the other assistants will make $200,000 apiece.   Calvin Magee was RR's highest paid assistant at $285K a year.  A thought to ponder:  Did RR keep all the salary for himself and was not able to get the top defensive staff that he needed?  Or is David Brandon breaking the bank on Hoke's staff because Michigan hasn't been competitive in the Big Ten for 3 years?
Speaking of Brady Hoke it seems it didn't take long for him to re-print the weight room walls with a quote from Mark Dantonio about beating Michigan every year.   Mark, I know you would never listen to a piece of advice from a know nothing blogger, but here it goes anyways: When you win, act like you have been there before.  Do it with some grace and don't poke the grizzly bear when it's sleeping.  Be happy what you got and be quiet about it.  Karma can be cruel the next time around.   Is it me or does Dantonio have a couple screws loose? You wouldn't see his mentor Jim Tressel act like this.  
  • The Michigan coaches just offered Ohio OL Kyle Kalis (6'5", 300 lbs) who is already a OSU commit but Kyle's high school teammates: TE Sam Grant, DT Greg Kuhar, and OL Tyler Orlosky all have Michigan offers.  Could the Wolverines be looking to sign the entire St. Edwards team?

  • Michigan's basketball season could hinge on how they play against Minnesota in the Barn on Saturday afternoon.  If the Wolverines let the "Harlem Globe Trotter Shot" beat them twice they are for sure heading for the NIT.  If they can pull a win out in the Barn and then a home win against MSU, they have a fighting chance entering the Big Ten Tournament to get to the big dance.

  • If your tuned into the NFL Network this weekend, Michigan has two players at the NFL Combine in Indy.  Steve Schilling and Jonas Mouton.  Good luck to you both!