Wednesday, February 9, 2011

It wasn't about everyone pulling in the same direction

I have now heard and read a couple of interviews by Rich Rodriguez since he was fired at Michigan.  He pretty much has repeated the same themes in both interviews.  Including an interview from today's ESPN Radio's show The Herd:

#1: He was disappointed that he didn't have more time
#2: The worst was past us and nothing but up side from here
#3: Everyone wasn't pulling in the same direction.

These are exactly why he didn't work out at Michigan.  He didn't get it and I pretty much agree with his 3 points.  Let me first break down why his 3 points are only sort of right:

#1 More Time:  Ok, 3 years might not have been enough but it's what he did in those 3 years.   Year 1 was a complete throw away now looking back.  If you remember, Michigan had a good defense that year and an offense that was lead by two QB's who were off the team the next year.   A complete waste of a year.  His "all in approach" on the recruitment of Pryor was a huge mistake.  His only back up plan was a Slot WR who preferred selling drugs then playing QB.  You can't tell me there wasn't another QB that year that RR and staff could have found in the 6 weeks they had.  Hoke and Company found one in two weeks.

Year 2 should have been Year 1 and son on.  That wasted year hurt his chances in David Brandon's office in early January.

#2 The Worst Was Behind Us?  I get his point.  21 starters coming back.  Guys back from injury on defense and the MVP of the league in his 3rd year.  This was his only real point in trying to save his job.  Having a Heisman Trophy candidate in Denard and those guys back from injury could equal a good 2011 campaign.   The problem I have with this statement is two things.  Defensive Coordinators and The Gator Bowl.   RR if retained would of had his 3rd DC in 4 years.   His clear lack of attention and bad DC hires killed any chance RR had at saving his job.  Defense is important and his bad hires, killed any chances of him saving his job. 

The second part is the Gator Bowl.  Michigan last year got worse as the year went on, not better.  In fact, you could probably make that case for all the Michigan teams under RR.  Having a month to prepare to work on defense fundamentals and everything else and then to get blown out by a fairly one dimensional mid tier SEC schools is un-acceptable.   To quote a reporter who I was sitting next to in the press box.  "all this game did, was make David's Brandon's decision and easy one".   I agreed with him and David's decision now.

#3: Everyone pulling in the same direction:  Sure RR had people against him from the beginning.  I never understood what the Freep had against him but his ride to the Michigan job was messy and full of accidents at every turn.   These events are off the top of my head, I'm sure there are plenty of others that I left out:
  • WVU fans up in arms after he left for the Michigan job
  • Allegations of shredding documents and lost player records
  • The loss of QB Ryan Mallett
  • Contesting his buyout from WVU
  • Losing Pryor to Ohio State
  • 3-9 Year 1
  • Freep Allegations
  • NCAA Investigation and Penalty
  • Getting sued for a bad condo deal
  • 5-7 Year 2
  • 7-6 Year 3
  • Josh Groban Fan Club Meeting
  • Blow Out loss in the Bowl Game
  • 0-3 vs. OSU and MSU
  • Getting sued on the purchase of his home in West Virgina the day he was fired from Michigan.
If just one of the things happened under his watch, it wouldn't of been a big deal.  All of them together is a big deal.   I'm not sure the stance that everyone was not pulling in the same direction with all the history makes a lot of sense.  If RR was 10-2 and beating Michigan rivals he would still be the coach.  He didn't and he isn't.   Bottom line.

So RR take a gig at ESPN or CBS College Sports and save us the Michigan talk.  It's been a month, we have moved on and so should you.   Good luck at your next stop.