Monday, February 7, 2011

Michigan Monday: Woodson Gets His Ring and Other Wolverine News

Charles Woodson had a up and down day yesterday.  Of course, breaking his collarbone before halftime was "the down" and getting his Super Bowl ring was the big "up".  Like I mentioned on Friday, Chuck has had a very nice career with a Heisman, a National Championship, the NFL Defensive Player of the Year Award, and now a Super Bowl Ring.   It doesn't get any better then that.    I hope his collarbone heals quickly.

I didn't see the Tom Harmon Icon special on BTN yesterday and hope to catch a replay.  I wonder if Tom knew that he could have won a Championship with the Green Bay Packers back in the day. Michigan's two other Heisman Trophy winners Desmond Howard and now Charles Woodson both won Championships with the Packers.   (Tom was drafted by the Chicago Bears but elected to play in the AFL with the New York Americans).

On a side note, If you get a chance to see the Lombardi documentary on HBO, I highly recommend it. 

  • The Michigan Basketball team had a nice win in Happy Valley yesterday.  When Darius Morris plays well, Michigan is a very competitive team.   I also think Tim Hardaway will be a star in a couple of years. 

  • Tom Brady wins the NFL MVP award by sweeping all 50 votes. 

  • How about the National Anthem last night?  I thought something didn't sound right.

  • MSU lost again last night.  Time for Izzo to go?  Just kidding but we haven't seen a swoon like this from the Spartans in a long time.

  • Tate Forcier seems to be down to Kansas State, Miami, Montana, Washington, and Arizona.   He is planning to visit these schools in the next two weeks.   If he wants to play next year he would go to Montana.  If he goes to Washington he will be behind Joe Montana's son (Montana or playing behind Montana?).  Arizona would seem to make sense - (a lot of Michigan QB transfers go to that state to play football).   I worry about Tate in Miami. 

  • Michigan's 2012 prospect list are coming out fast.  Here are two recent ones.  I will put up a 2012 watch list this week.

  • David Harris is about to get paid!  Sounds like the Jets are about to put the Franchise tag on him.  I wonder how that works without a CBA?

  • Michigan plans to announce the hiring today of Curt Mallory, DB coach and Jerry Montgomery to coach the D-line.

  • Speaking of Desmond Howard it seems Phil Simms isn't a fan as they got into a confrontation this past week in Dallas.  Phil you are now dead to me.   Phil your in the media, you should be able to take a criticism of your son. 

  • Maize N Blue Blood:  Here is an article on Michigan's 2011 walk on full back Joe Kerridge.  (Freep link)