Monday, September 19, 2011

Trial By Fire for the Wolverines

- Authored by BHB Reader Voice of Reason

What we can say is that the coaches are learning how their players respond under fire just like we are. Plus, in spite of the defense giving up tons of yardage in the first quarter in all three games, one key difference has been Greg Mattison has been able to stop the bleeding or at least slow it down to a trickle. GREG couldn't do that even with his super bowl rings.

In fact, there is not a single top 25 football team that did not give up some points and yardage to the “nobodies” that they've played thus far. In the past three years, we've gotten so use to our defense bleeding like a sieve that when we see another team complete a significant play against us, we feel, "Oh, no not again!" But you know what, no one is expecting Michigan to win the national championship any way this year, but it's safe to say that we're moving in the right direction. If Michigan’s defense is “average” this year, it would be light years ahead of the last three years, and should keep Michigan in most of their games.

I believe in the old adage, "You don't win titles with freshman and sophomores; you win with juniors and seniors." Michigan has juniors and some seniors, so that helps but their current depth depends upon freshman and sophomores, who are great for "your future" but not good for the here and now. So what does that mean? Michigan’s defense may get burned while our youth is on the field trying to catch up, but that’s where we are for this year.

However, because of Michigan’s upper class experience, those guys overall are mature enough to understand and adjust from their mistakes because they are well coached. However, it's going to take this season before they master the system on both sides of the ball.

Nevertheless, we can still see how their confidence has grown and how they didn't give up even after a tough start...which is huge. They are developing a swagger on both sides of the ball which is needed in order to play in the Big Ten. All of our opponents have started the game by “punching Michigan in the mouth” to start the game to see if Michigan would back down. In fact, ND was beating Michigan like Clubber Lang beat Rocky Balboa in their second fight but more importantly, Michigan hung in there and won the game.

What am I saying? Under some solid coaching, this Michigan team is growing up. They may not win every game, but I don't expect any blow outs even if we lose. It would be as a result of natural growing pains and no embarrassing losses to the little sisters of the poor as we had under RR. So in that respect, Michigan football is coming back. Go Blue!