Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Michigan Tuesday: Confidence = Good Defense

You can point to many successes in life in whether you are confident or not.  Think about some job interviews you have had.  The ones you were confident in you probably got an offer, the jobs you weren't quite sure about, you probably didn't do as well.   I have coached Little League Baseball for a number of years. The kids that go into the batters box knowing they are going to get a hit, usually do.   The ones that don't - don't.  A player in a slump just doesn't forget how to field or hit, the only thing they have lost is confidence.   The Michigan defense hasn't had confidence for the past 3 years.

That lack of confidence was evident during the first 3 drives of the ball game.  It was the same old story for the Michigan defense until Jake Ryan hit the Western QB and Brandon Herron took it to the house for a touchdown.  After that pick the game changed.

Sure some things changed like scheme and defensive personnel.  Greg Mattison also realized that Western wasn't going to even try to run the ball and started blitzing from all over the field.    Those things helped Michigan on Saturday but the big difference was confidence.   You could see it in effort and how the team started to stop Western on a regular basis.  Western came into the Big House having confidence they could move the ball on the Wolverines and it happened.   Michigan's Defense didn't have any confidence they could stop any offense and they didn't.   Then the game changed and so did the confidence on both sides.

Related to this topic is Brady Hoke and some of the chatter that he wasn't wearing a head set full time on the sideline.  Good leaders are confident leaders.  They also understand their own strengths and weaknesses. Brady is a defensive guy and respects Al Borgus decision making and lets him do his job.  Brady also has one of the best defensive minds in Greg Mattison and is confident he will make the right calls.   You can draw similar examples from the business world.  Bill Gates knew he was a technology guy not a company leader or a PR guy that would need to meet with the media and Wall Street.  Early on he hired Steve Ballmer to do that stuff while he focused on building products and future technology trends and vision.  That strategy helped Microsoft become one of the most successful companies in US history. 

Having the coordinators do their job is somewhat of a foreign concept to Michigan Football.  Go back to the Carr years, when Lloyd clearly had his hands on the conservative play calls on both sides of the ball.  Same with RR, he hired two defensive coordinators and didn't let either run the defense they knew best.  (we know Bo was very hands on every part of the program, but football was a different game back then)  I think a case could be made for the last 10 years or so that what Michigan Football really needed was a head man that just let his staff do what they do best.  I guess we will see what happens from here on out.    

Michigan Updates
  • Woolfolk and Cam Gordon are expected to play against ND on Saturday.
  • Special Teams is going to be a focus this week.
  • Michigan won't change preparation for ND on their QB situation. 
  • Fitz will continue to be the starting RB
  • Focus on tighter coverage in zone and will have to do better in man coverage against the Floyd's of the world this week.
  • Vegas has ND is favored by 3.5 points on Saturday right now
Recruiting Updates
  • Terry Richardson was at the game on Saturday and has decided not to take anymore visits and will stick and stay with Michigan.
  • This weekend will be one of the biggest recruiting weekends of the year for the 2012 and 2013 class.
  • Does Michigan really have a legit shot at landing 5 star Center Mitch McGary?  He had a great visit to Michigan and the answer is YES!.  Michigan will have to fight it out with college basketball elite (Kentucky, Duke, NC, Florida and others) but Michigan has a very good chance to land this young man.    I think this would be Michigan's highest ranked recruit since Tractor Traylor.