Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Michigan Tuesday: What is Denard's NFL Position?

Denard loves playing QB and came to Michigan because RR wanted/needed him to play QB.  I have to say, as a Michigan fan I love watching him play QB.  I'm actually more excited to see Denard in Al Borges offense then Rich Rods. Why you ask?

Because I felt Denard took too many hits on running plays during the year.  The Michigan offense needed him healthy and every time he ran, I held my breath that he may score or separate a shoulder.  If you put a more dynamic passing game with some planned runs, how to you defend Denard and the Michigan offense?  If it's 3rd and 7 and Denard drops back to pass and everyone is covered, he could bust a scramble for 15 yards.  The one thing Denard didn't do much of last year was scramble on passing downs.   If he adds that to his game, look out. 

Even with these skills added to his game, is he the next Andrew Luck?  Nope and ESPN's Todd McShay agrees:   “We have a long way to go, but my initial impression is he’s just a phenomenal athlete so you have to find a way to get him on the field as an athlete,” said Todd McShay, who’s director of college football scouting for ESPN Scouts Inc. "He’s not going to play quarterback in the NFL.

“There have been a lot better dual-threat quarterbacks (who have changed positions), Pat White for example. I’m not saying Pat White is a better athlete (than Robinson). But Pat White is a better passer, better quarterback. And (Pat White’s) playing baseball.”

You know what, I don't care.  I just want to spend the next two years watching this great athlete play at Michigan and if he gets to touch the ball every snap at QB, then that is where he should play.  This kid works everyday to be a better QB and is just a great kid.  A kid who stops to sign every autograph and every picture.  He is rock star with a third string special team player's attitude.

Denard Robinson is 100% what's right about Michigan Football and if he wants to kick field goals, I think Coach Hoke should let him.   I hope he stays healthy and leads Michigan to 1 or 2 Big Ten Championships and has a long career in the NFL.  I don't care if he plays WR, returns kicks, or plays cornerback in the NFL.  I just hope he has a long NFL career and makes the money he will deserve at the next level.    This is a special kid and we should be thankful everyday that he is a Wolverine.