Friday, March 25, 2011

Jim Tressel Likes to Sign Things

OSU had a recent alumni event and lucky fans of the University and the head coach got a chance to meet the man that has been all over the press lately for lying to the NCAA.   This would be like bar hoping with Charlie Sheen last night!  What an opportunity!

Here at BHB, I was lucky enough to get some transcripts of the conversations.

JT:  Hi Billy, ever been in a Turkish prison?

Coach, keep it quiet but I got more bad news.  Your wife is selling your sweater vests

"This is going on Ebay is 3, 2, 1......"

At home we call this Tressel Sandwich
JT:  Jim Carey can I call you if this coaching thing doesn't work out?

Coach, can you circle the players that are suspended?

Coach, can you hurry up I have been in line for 2 hours and really have to find a bathroom!

JT: Please don't touch me!

Coach, can you demonstrate the proper way to run the option?

Coach, don't make any subtle movements, if you don't say anything nobody will get hurt and we can walk out of here together.   You will start to feel sleepy in about 12 seconds.

This is the best day of my life!  First Pryor sells me this helmet and now coach signs it!

Coach, I just spilled Coke on my hat do you mind signing my lucky sweatshirt instead?

Coach did you read this headline about Bruce Pearl?  Yikes!

You don't need to read the fine print, it just says that Diet Coke is now the official soft drink of Jim Tressel.

JT:  Do you like gladiator movies Billy?