Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wolverine Wednesday: Tries to Give Some Bowl Insight

Sunday (between 8:30 and 9:00 pm) the Wolverines will know where they are playing in late December or early January.   Most experts believe it's between the Gator or Insight Bowls.  My choice would be the Gator Bowl for a couple of reasons:
  • The Insight Bowl starts at 10:00 PM EST
  • In the Insight Michigan most likely would get a 10-2 team from the Big 12.  Most expect Missouri. 
  • Most believe Michigan might face Florida in the Gator Bowl
  • Michigan has many players from the State of Florida (including Denard)
  • The Gator is drive-able (for me)
I actually just want a good match up.  That would be my #1 Bowl priority if I were David Brandon.

Cha Cha Changes...........................
  • We all know about TCU moving to the Big East.  Now it seems UMass is in discussion with the MAC.

  • Initial reports are that Jon Gruden might be named the University of Miami head coach as early as today.   If that is true, that is a great hire for them. 

  • A San Diego State Donor has made a $5 Million dollar pledge to keep Brady Hoke and staff at SDS.  He is one of the leading candidates for the Indiana and Minnesota jobs.  The former Michigan Man should think twice about trading the weather, his league, a great recruiting state, and a raise for the Golden Gophers or the Hooisers. 

  • The Michigan Basketball Team had a nice win over Clemson last night on the road in the ACC/Big Challenge.  Well done guys!

  • Michigan verbal Dee Hart was named to the Army All American Bowl.  That is a great honor for him.  The timing of David Brandon's decision and the first day of class of January 5th along with the Army All American game on the 8th are some interesting dates for decision criteria. 

  • AD David Brandon was on WTKA's "Michigan Insider" this morning.  Basically, continued with the company line.