Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday Mailbag

There is a lot of activity in the comments field today, so I thought I would share the question with the bigger BHB Inmate audience.

Ricky asked: 
Bob, if Dave Brandon's plan is to keep RR this is a horrible situation. But if his plan is to fire RR it really isn't THAT bad. First this recruiting class is already HORRIBLE. Michigan perennially signs top ten classes. Yet since last year we've been so happy to get 3 and botterline 4 star players. Last year's class was already kinda unspectacular. This year's class is downright embarrassing.

Even if Dave Brandon affirmed RR's status as coach after the Ohio State game, what is the potential for this recruiting class? 20th to 30th ranked?

With the being said, if the plan is to fire RR, the new coach will bring new excitement and by Feb the classes will probably be about the same. We'll lose some RR recruits get some new recruits that never considered Michigan.

My belief is the lower buyout after Jan 1 is the main factor. What do you think?
Go Blue

I have faith in David Brandon but this process is a head scratcher for me.  My hope is he has some "special plan" in mind and we are just waiting to get to the final chapter of the book.   I do think this recruiting class has the ability to be good, if we could just get this coaching situation resolved.  The Avery Walls loss today was a big one but there are a number of big recruits still out there that could make this a top 20 class.  Kris Frost, Blake Countess and Anthony Zettel could really help the over all class rankings.

I don't think the $1.5M is a huge factor.  If I was RR I would want to be let go so I can put my hand in the air for these other jobs that are getting filled quickly.  After 1/1 there won't be many head coaching jobs available.  So if I was going to be fired, I would of settled at say $3M so I could look for a new gig earlier rather then later.  Couldn't you let him go and make it effective 1/1 anyway?

Here are the list of my concerns either way:

Keeping RR:
  • For how long?  Is he a dead man coaching for another year?
  • Did we miss out on good DC candidates?
  • Sure we will save some of this class but did we miss out and will we miss out on some top recruits if RR doesn't get a firm recommendation from Brandon.
Firing RR:
  • New guy would have to build a recruiting class in less then a month.
  • It could set the program back a few years if the new coach brings a new strategy.
  • Potential loss of current offensive players.
  • Loss of current players and small window for 2011 class - sounds really bad for the program in 2-3 years out.
  • Paying RR $4M to $2.5M to leave is a lot of green.   I expect Harbaugh would be a $4M a year man as well.
  • What is the window of getting Harbaugh if Michigan really wants him?