Monday, April 26, 2010

Fantasy Baseball, 20 Games Down

What a difference 10 games can make for everyone but me. I continue chanting calmly to myself to maintain my state of zen, who knows how long that will last though. I'm certainly not ready to do anything radical, but my hand is hovering over the panic button (I'm looking at you Frank Francisco) ready to make a move.

Andrew has traded in his noose for some optimism and ill will towards the just released Jason Frasor. Riding high on the not-so-surprising resurgences of Brad Penny and Francisco Liriano (who looks amazing so far) has pulled Andrew out of the cellar and left it all to me. The limp arms of Rich Harden, Rick Porcello, and Frank Francisco have assured my place at the bottom of the league. It doesn't help that my "studs" are pitching like 4th graders (Jon Lester) or on the DL (Cliff Lee), and I'm basically relying on Brett Anderson and Justin Duchsherer to carry me through the month.

Andrew is also enjoying some luck at the plate with Kelly Johnson crushing the ball (7HR, he had 12 & 16 in 500+ AB in '08 & '07) and some overall offensive balance. I am still waiting for my extremely deep offense to wake up... at all... even a little. I'm basically suffering from a team wide slow start, but I'm totally relaxed and at ease. I swear, really! I think I have to show an enormous amount of patience after getting Justin Upton for Raul Ibanez before the season started, I mean... how lucky is that?!

Current Status
Bert - "Look, nothing is fucked, here, man."
Andrew - "Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."