Thursday, April 15, 2010

Fantasy Baseball, 10 Games Down... 152 To Go

The season is 10 games old, and I already have heartburn. I'm not freaking out over my team, but I may have to write a retraction to our Draft Best/Worst. That post seems to have turned into a massive reverse jinx, but I'm going to give it a few more weeks,. I'd really like to avoid a public apology to Vernon Wells.

I'm eating some serious crow right now, mainly over Wells, but I've managed to ruin the first 6.1% of the season for Chipper Jones (Injury concerns, and hitting .150), Brad Hawpe (Quad injury), and my Man Crush Jacoby Ellsbury (Bruised ribs in collision with teammate). Wells opened the season crushing the ball with 5HR, 10RBI, 7BB and a decent .343 average... apparently calling him a con artist was a better motivational tool than his $4.6 million salary. Things are already looking good for me since he dropped a serious 1/10 stink bomb (no HR or RBI) at Baltimore after hitting 4HR's and drove in 7RBI in the first three games of the season (All at Texas' super hitter friendly park). As if that wasn't bad enough Rickie Weeks isn't playing like crap (2HR, 7RBI, 7BB and hitting .333), but we all know that will change.

I'm trying to be very relaxed, I'm going to wait until next month before I freak out. Some people *cough* Andrew *cough* are ready to hang themselves. On one level I think he is overreacting, but on another level he is getting slammed by the Baseball Gods. In only 10 games the following plagues have decended his team; Jack Cust sent down to minors, Brian Roberts on the DL, and injury concerns for Andre Ethier, Jayson Werth, and Brad Hawpe. If only it stopped there... Mike Napoli isn't starting anymore, and Jason Frasor (his only closer) has lost his job. If he wasn't 7th (only 1.5 points behind me) I'd say it couldn't get much worse, but lets face it, it can get worse. Much worse.

Current Status
Bert - "The Dude abides."
Andrew - "Nothing is fucked?! The God damn plane has crashed into the mountain!"