Sunday, February 7, 2010

Optimator Superbowl XLIV Wrap-Up

Before we get into the Superbowl I need to apologize for writing about it. This week has been so completely saturated by game analysis and predictions that everything that could possibly be discussed has been beaten to death. If the week of chatter wasn't enough you could have sat through the 8 hours of pre-game shows to cover everything and start questioning your sanity.

First of all, this game was a Colts fan's disaster waiting to happen. The media has been riding the Colts bandwagon all week by picking them to win in a shootout, but at the same time saying good things about the Saints. Apparently we are to believe that Peyton Manning is invincible and the Saints defense can't handle the Colts offense. If that wasn't bad enough the team in whites (Saints this year) is 5-0 over the past five years and 26-17 all-time (Colts cursing data thanks to Uni Watch's Paul Lukas).

Well the media was wrong, very very wrong. The Colts looked great in the first quarter, but it pretty much ended there. Sean payton showed everyone that he has the biggest balls ever by opening the second half with an onsides kick, and that essentially ended the game. The Colts looked flat footed the whole second half, and Manning completely imploded. The Saints were up 22-17 when Manning threw a TAINT and the old Manning Face made a huge comeback. I'd say this was a bigger media jinx than the 2007-08 Patriots, but the whole 18-0 thing trumps Manning's apparent invincibility.

This pretty much sums up how the entire state of Indiana feels right about now

Well I'm going to down some scotch to try and forget the game and the Arsenal-Chelsea game earlier. I have a few random thoughts from the game :

Best Ad - Audi "Green Police" commercial. Seemed like it was making fun of the green movement, but then tries to sell us a green car. Plus it wasn't about beer, Doritos or GoDaddy so it was good.
Worst Ad - Airforce. This was like one of those joke ads on the Simpsons that has a rock band and strippers yet seems to be about joining the armed forces. Apparently if you join the Airforce you will get to surf, skate, and snowboard.

Are Will.I.Am and the Black Eyed Peas the biggest sellouts ever? I can't think of any group or person that went from doing great work to being willing to sell anything for any price so quickly. Remember when they were hocking candy as Snickers superheroes?