Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fantasy Baseball, 40 Games Down

The past 10 games have been extremely traumatic for baseball fans and fantasy owners. In the real world the Red Sox have been beaten mercilessly, and in the world of fantasy Andrew's season is over. In a matter of hours Andrew dropped from 1st to dead last, or so he would have you believe. Andre Ethier, his offensive workhorse, has fallen victim to a broken finger. He still sits in first, but with a week of dead roster space (Ethier was DL'd after our Monday roster deadline) Andrew may have to suffer the humiliation of dropping out of first for a few days. The horror.

Behold, the face of the apocalypse.

On the other end of the league, well more like the frustratingly mediocre middle, sits my team of limp armed BP machines. I was able to ride two wonderful starts by Phil Hughes to a "dominating" 5th place, but his performance the other night (5ER in 5IP, 6H and a BB) and a few more steaming piles of shite have sent me back down to 6th. I finally got my first saves from Frank Francisco's replacement (Neftali Feliz), but Billy Wagner exists in some kind of saves Twilight Zone. The Braves either lose 10-0 or win 10-0, so save chances are few and far between. Awesome.

Sticking it to my ERA, Ks, Saves, WHIP, and sanity since Opening Day

The league is starting to form three tiers and even out. The top team (Andrew's) has 59.50 points with only 3 points between him and 3rd. The bottom 5 teams are separated by only 4.5 points, not a good place to be.

Current Status
Bert - "Lord. You can imagine where it goes from here."
Andrew - "Nothing is fucked?! The God damn plane has crashed into the mountain!"