Thursday, October 8, 2009

Unintentional Comedy in the Primera División

In preparation for The Sports Optimator's momentous release of the Ten Worst Current Kits, we decided to release a quick sampling of the Primera División's jerseys, because, as I said, do they even count? I mean, sheeeeit, we'd have to expand the rankings by about 20 or so. 

Cases in point:


 Aside from the weird single stripe, I count six logos on here.


Here we can see the migration of logos onto the sleeves, Nascar-style.  Which is to prepare you for...

Joma Indios:

Holy shit.  Look me in the eye and tell me Jimmy Johnson hasn't worn this.  


Holy shit!  See above comment times 10!  When the players give post-game interviews, do they have stickers plastered all over their faces?


This is actually the best jersey, by far, but that's not saying much.  The stripe within a stripe is questionable, but it gets included here because of its unintentionally hilarious sponsor.  América has similar problems, although they should be commended, too, for having something resembling a recognizable color scheme.  Small mercies.  This funny sponsor has nothing, however, on a Peruvian club called, and I am not making this up, Deportivo Wanka.  You're welcome. 


Oh my stars.  My head is swimming with free associations: Ronald McDonald, the Ronald McDonald House, retards.  Look, making fun of retards isn't very nice, and you shouldn't do it, but did retards design this?  My eyeballs are scarring over spontaneously.

And, finally, the design equivalent of "pull my finger," Necaxa: