Wednesday, November 14, 2007

NFL Fantasy Football Players Pictures - Week 4

Dexter Wynn is about to learn that attemptng to field a kick-off with just his finger tips is not a good idea.

The opposite of the "hurry up" offense is the "take it slow" defense.

Brian Urlacher is going to hold his breath until whoever took his helmet gives it back.

Kevin Jones giving the fans a little too much of a look.

Fernando Bryant tells Bernard Berrian: "It's mine and you can't have it!"

Devon Hester coming in for a landing.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

NFL Fantasy Football Players Pictures - Week 3

How embarrassing for Donovan McNabb - not that he spilled coffee on his uniform, but that he had to wear that uniform in the first place.

Andy Reid: "You'd never catch me wearing one of those uniforms."

Correll Buckhalter gets an easy touchdown since Gerald Alexander can't bear to look at those uniforms.

On second thought, those uniforms don't look so bad after all.

Rod Marinelli: "Dang! I wish I had my sunglasses on."

Group hug by some Baltimore Ravens.

Steve McNair lost his helmet in the fog.

Eric Green tackles Demetrius Williams and his helmet explodes.

Brett Favre attempts to give Donald Driver a potato sack ride.

Brett Favre auditions for the role of Moses in a Ten Commandments remake.

Tramon Williams prefers to hold his helmet on with his hand instead of using a chin strap.

Peyton Manning and his bag of tricks.

Matt Schaub spots his childhood sweetheart in the stands.

Mario Williams forgets his jersey and confirms suspicions he's been listening to his iPod during the games.

Dallas Clark has perfected the frog jump and it leads to a touchdown catch.

Joseph Addai and DeMeco Ryans rehearse the death scene from Romeo and Juliet.

Jameel Cook puts a nice move on the referee.

Kelly Holcomb looks up to the crowd and asks: "Which hand has the M&M's?"

Eddie Drummond leans back to take a quick rest after returning a kick.

Not sure what this person is hollering about. You would think she has the situation under control. Of course, you know what they say - sometimes the right hand doesn't always know what the left hand is doing.

Jared Allen demonstrates that you're never too old to sneak up behind someone and play the "Guess Who?" game.

Ray Edwards demonstrates you're never too old to do a whale imitation.

A split second later Dwayne Bowe had a touchdown and Cedric Griffin wished he was just a little bit taller.

Now we know why Randy Moss appears to be so fast - he has a mini jet engine attached to his behind. Meanwhile, Jabari Greer appears to be leaping up to get a better look at the cheerleader on the sidelines instead of concentrating on Moss.

J.P. Losman wishes he had someone to throw to like Randy Moss.

Sometimes the cameramen forget there's a football game going on. (Who can blame them?)

J.P. Losman tries to hide behind his offensive line but it isn't working.

Kerry Rhodes doesn't want to be touched when he has the ball.

Chad Pennington displays his unique (and unfortunately unsuccessful) style of passing the football.

Chris Baker likes to show off by balancing the football on his fingertips.

Not to be outdone, Jason Campbell balances the football on ONE finger (and without using a glove).

Bryant McFadden and Alex Smith fall down laughing. (You weren't laughing if your fantasy team played against the Steelers defense because that was a touchdown off an interception).

Maybe so, but his coach and teammates would prefer Allen Rossum to be on the field.

Despite flashing the universal hand signal for "stop right there", Willie Parker got pounded anyway.

Alex Smith likes to watch the big screen monitor in the stadium to see when he's about to get tackled.

Josh McCown is about to get an unsuspecting, not so friendly pat on the back from Kamerion Wimbley.

Kenny Watson reads the label to be sure it's an official ball of the NFL.

Jake Delhomme is thinking he needs a new flavor of chap stick.

Alge Crumpler walks all over Jonathan Beason.

Joey Harrington is crying because the coach made him throw the ball and he didn't want to.

Seconds later, Jake Delhomme was hit in the head by a small, yellow, projectile.

Jake was not too happy when he found out who hit him with the flag.

Eli Manning confesses to Tom Coughlin what fantasy owners have known all along - he's not as good as Peyton.

Out of desperation, Corey Webster resorts to his childhood tricks by tickling Santana Moss under the arms in hopes he'll lose the ball.

Eli Manning signals to the sidelines he needs a bathroom break. (Apparently it's a #2).

Adam Archuleta has seen people bury their head in the sand before, but he's trying to figure out how Jason Witten managed to bury his head in the end zone.

A New Orleans Saints fan hopes to get into the game for free by doing his best Diana Ross impersonation. (His wife was seen burying HER head).